Thank you for your interest in our company. We appreciate your visit to our website.

I would like to give you some insight to our company – what it stands for, our passion for quality, our products and our respect for traditional methods and know-how.

Our company is small and family run, but efficient and has clear ideas on what it wants to offer to its clients. It manages, on its own, the entire chain from fresh whole fish to being packed in ice. Established in 1965 and with over 50 years of experience I’m sure you will agree, “we know our fish”.

“Stringent selection of raw material”

It is common knowledge that a product will never be better than the quality of its raw materials. As a result, we have established strict rules for the raw materials we use. Our passion for providing freshness and authentic taste to our clients and consumers is unrivalled. Every day, our personnel strive to bring out the best in our fish and the genuine taste that many people remember from former times. In order to meet this objective and nourish our passion, we allow ourselves sufficient time to prepare our products as all of our fish is filleted by hand. Our proximity to resources means that we are always able to select the best available raw materials. Selecting raw material is a challenging job, as there are a number of factors that can have an effect, such as the weather, fishing fluctuations, the status of uncaught harvest rights, seasonal swings within fish species, etc. Our fresh fish is processed within hours of landing on the docks to seal in the pristine freshness of Scotlands icy-cold waters. This process ensures that the fish that you receive remains as fresh as the day it was caught.